Celebrating 20+ Years of Training!

  • 4,938 Alumni since 1999

  • 95 nations and 750+ organizations and institutions

  • 160+ courses in 30 countries and 5 continents

Click "+Add Entry" to create your alumni profile today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn how to use our directory to its full potential

  • Who is eligible to join?

    Anyone who has taken a course from Conservation Strategy Fund in-person or through our N4N Training Institute platform is eligible to create a profile for our Alumni Directory.

  • I am registered for and/or I am currently taking a course. When can I create a profile?

    We ask that you wait to create a profile for our directory until you have completed the course. You will be automatically prompted to add yourself to our Alumni Directory at the conclusion of your course.

  • I am eligible to join the Alumni Directory. How do I create a profile?

    To add your profile to the Alumni Directory, click the "+ Add Entry" button at the top-right of the directory and fill in the required information. You may be required to sign in to your account on this website. Once you have filled the proper fields, click "Add Entry." All profiles will be approved by an N4N team member before they are officially added to the Directory.

  • How can I edit my profile?

    To edit your profile, select the "Edit" button on the top-right of the directory. You may be required to sign in to your account before you can edit your profile. Select the profile you wish to edit, and wait for a pop-up screen that will allow you to make changes to your information. Once you have finished, click "Apply Changes."

  • Will my contact information be publicly accessible?

    Although our directory requires alumni to include their email in their profile, this information will not be available to the public. Instead, those who are interested in contacting you will click "connect" on your profile, which allows them to send a message to you without accessing your contact information.

Not an Alumni Yet?

Gain direct access to this incredible network by registering for a course from N4N today

The Numbers for Nature Training Institute offers live, hybrid, and self-paced virtual courses on a range of conservation economics and finance topics at affordable prices. Check out our current offerings to see if there's a course that fits your professional needs.